The Official Nebraska Boater Safety Exam Study Guide
Study this Nebraska state-recognized boating safety classroom material online to prepare for the in-person Boating Safety Course and proctored exam.

Reviewed and recognized by Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Boat Nebraska: A Course on Responsible Boating
Nebraska Specific
Study the free online course material, which is the same material in Boat Nebraska: A Course on Responsible Boating. This boating safety course material was developed by Boat Ed specifically for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission for use in classroom instruction.
After completing the study guide, you'll be prepared for the mandatory in-person Boating Safety Course and proctored exam. Sign up for a Nebraska in-person Boating Safety Course.
Boating Basics
The waters of Nebraska state are a national resource. Recreational boating on these waters contributes to the wellbeing of both residents and visitors. Safety on NE waterways is the responsibility of everyone. Use the study guide to familiarize yourself with the steps to make the outing safe and enjoyable.
It's the Law!
Anyone born after December 31, 1985, who operates any motorboat or personal watercraft in Nebraska must successfully complete an in-person Boating Safety Course and carry a valid certificate of course completion on board.
You must be at least 14 years of age to operate a motorboat or personal watercraft in Nebraska.
A Comprehensive Course in Nebraska Boating Education
Boating Basics Instruction
The Boat Nebraska study guide features easy-to-understand boating safety instructions and hundreds of detailed illustrations to help you improve your boating skills and become a better, more prepared skipper.
This online boating safety study guide is based on Boat Nebraska: A Course on Responsible Boating, which was developed and printed by Boat Ed specifically for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission for use in classroom instruction.
Boat Ed is the only boating safety education course and exam provider that develops print materials on behalf of state government boating and boater safety agencies.
How do I get my state boating license?
You may have heard that you need the Nebraska Boat License to operate your boat or personal watercraft, but what you really need is the Nebraska Boater Education Certificate . You can get the Nebraska Boater Education Certificate by using this free online study guide at to prepare for Nebraska's mandatory in-person Boat License Safety course and exam. Find out if you need the card.
Reviewed and Recognized by:
Nebraska Game & Parks Commission
2200 N. 33rd St.
Lincoln, NE 68503
(402) 471-0641
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