Video: Safe Passage Law
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Video Transcript
Transcript for Safe Passage Law
On-screen text: BOATING
Speaker 1: What is the Safe Passage Law in New Hampshire?
Speaker 2: Well, Safe Passage is a law specific to New Hampshire. It mandates that any boat within 150 feet of another boater, the shoreline, a swimmer, permitted swimming area, a dock, has to be at headway speed.
On-screen: Various animations illustrate a boat maintaining a 150-foot distance from a boater, the shoreline, a swimmer, and a dock.
Speaker 1: So the slowest speed needed to maintain steerage, and no faster than six miles per hour.
Speaker 2: So for the average boater, it’s going to be that first click out of neutral and nothing more.
Speaker 1: What’s a good way to visualize being 150 feet away while you’re on the water?
Speaker 2: Distance, in general, can always be tricky for some people. So half the distance of a football field or two ski lines is a good barometer for people to judge what that distance looks like.
On-screen: Various animations illustrate a 150-foot distance and how to estimate that distance while on the water.
Speaker 1:Why do we need the Safe Passage Law?
Speaker 2: Obviously, it slows people down. When they’re within that 150-foot threshold of all those other items that we just talked about, it gives that operator an opportunity to see what’s around them. It’s going to minimize the amount of wake that that boat is producing. And of course, at those slower speeds, it’s just keeping everyone safe.
Speaker 1: So this is all about slowing down when you’re close to other things with your boat.
Speaker 2: Yeah. You’re in a beautiful area. Slow down, and enjoy it. But yeah, follow the law at the same time.