Towing a Person With a Vessel

Vessel operators towing a person(s) on water skis, aquaplanes, surfboards, inner tubes, or any similar devices and the persons being towed must do so safely and responsibly.
- It is illegal for vessels to tow a person(s) on water skis or any other devices between sunset and sunrise.
- All motorized vessels in designated water-skiing areas must travel in a counter-clockwise direction except when picking up a downed skier. When picking up a skier, the towing vessel should circle the skier to keep him or her in view of the operator at all times.
- It is illegal for vessels to tow a person(s) on water skis or any other devices within 150 feet of any harbor, swimming beach, mooring area, or any areas that are marked as being closed to water-skiing. Areas designated as a ski take-off or landing area are exempt from this restriction.
- Everyone engaged in water-skiing—the operator, the observer, and the towed person(s)—must conduct themselves in a safe manner. It is illegal to:
- Cause the towed device or person to collide with any object or person.
- Water-ski or manipulate any other towed device while under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, any other drug, or any combination of these substances.