Improper Speed or Distance

West Virginia law designates the following dangerous operating practices as being illegal.
Improper Speed or Distance is not maintaining a proper speed or distance while operating a motorboat or PWC or while towing a person on water skis or similar devices. Specifically, it is illegal to:
- Operate at any speed, or knowingly permit another person to operate at any speed, that does not allow the operator to bring the vessel to a stop within the clear distance ahead using reasonable care.
- Operate at any speed greater than the limits established and properly marked on the waters of a government-owned reservoir or any other waters of West Virginia.
- Operate at greater than “no wake speed” in a posted “no wake speed” zone.
- Operate within 20 feet of a person fishing without first obtaining permission from that person.
- Operate within 20 feet of the outer boundary of a swimming area that is clearly marked by red-and-yellow buoys.
- Operate within 20 feet of the outer boundary of an area that is clearly marked by signs or buoys as a restricted area.