Other Facts About Titling and Registering Your Boat
Here are some other facts about titling and registering your boat in Arizona.
- Vessel registration is staggered, similar to motor vehicle registration. The color and date on the registration decals indicate when the registration expires.
- The application for transfer of ownership must be made within 15 days of purchase.
- If you change your address, you must notify the AZGFD within 15 days either in writing or online at www.azgfd.gov/boating.
- If you purchase a numbered vessel or if your watercraft is sold, stolen, lost, destroyed, or abandoned, you must report it to the AZGFD within 15 days.
- If you lose or destroy your Certificate of Number or decal, you may apply in person, by mail, or through a third-party vendor for a duplicate.
- Vessels registered in another state or country may operate on Arizona waters for 60 or fewer consecutive days before Arizona registration and numbering are required.
- Under federal and state laws, you must register your watercraft in the state of principal use. If your watercraft is used for over 60 consecutive days in Arizona waters, then you must register your watercraft in Arizona.
- Larger recreational vessels owned by U.S. citizens may (at the option of the owner) be documented by the USCG. Call the USCG at 1-800-799-8362 for more information.

Registration application forms can be obtained from:
- Any office of the AZGFD
- Many marine dealers