Lawful Operation of a PWC

PWC may be operated only between one-half hour before sunrise and one-half hour after sunset.
It is illegal to:
- Operate a PWC in an unsafe or reckless manner.
- Become airborne or completely leave the water while crossing the wake of another vessel within 100 feet of the vessel creating the wake.
- Weave through congested traffic.
- Operate at greater than “slow, no wake speed” within 100 feet of an anchored or moored vessel, shoreline, dock, pier, swim float, marked swim area, swimmer, surfer, person fishing, or any manually propelled vessel.
- Follow too closely to another vessel, including another PWC.
- Following too closely means moving in the same direction and operating at a speed greater than 10 miles per hour when approaching within 100 feet to the rear of or 50 feet to the side of another vessel that is underway.
- An exception to this law is made when operating in a channel too narrow to keep the required distance, in which case a PWC may be operated at a speed that is reasonable and prudent.