Speed Regulations

Failure to regulate speed is defined as operating a boat or PWC at speeds that may cause danger, injury, damage, or unnecessary inconvenience. In South Carolina, speed regulations can vary depending on local conditions. Be aware of and obey all regulatory markers, including those marked as “idle speed” or “no wake, idle speed.”
- When on the waters of Lake Greenwood, Lake Hartwell, Lake Jocassee, Lake Keowee, Lake Marion, Lake Monticello, Lake Murray, Lake Robinson, Lake Russell, Lake Secession, Lake Thurmond, Lake Wateree, Fishing Creek Reservoir, Parr Reservoir, or the portion of the Savannah River from the Interstate 20 Savannah River Bridge to the New Savannah River Bluff Lock and Dam, you may not operate a boat or PWC in excess of “idle speed” within:
- 50 feet of a moored or anchored vessel or a person in the water
- 100 feet of a wharf, dock, bulkhead, or pier
- On all other state waters, you may not operate a boat or PWC in excess of “idle speed” within:
- 50 feet of a moored or anchored vessel, wharf, dock, bulkhead, pier, or person in the water
- 100 yards of the Atlantic Ocean coastline
- You may not wake surf in excess of “idle speed” within 200 feet of a moored vessel, wharf, dock, bulkhead, pier, or person in the water.
- You may not operate too fast for the conditions on the water (vessel traffic, weather, etc.).
- You must maintain “idle speed” when in the vicinity of a boat flashing a blue light.
- Vessel operators are responsible for any damage caused by their wake.