Stop the Spread of Invasive Species
Protect the lakes you love—stop invasive species.
- Do your part to protect Texas waters—Clean, drain, and dry!
- CLEAN: Before leaving the ramp, do a “walk around” inspection. Remove any plants, mussels, and other debris from the boat, trailer, and gear.
- DRAIN: Drain your boat, motor, bait buckets, and other water-retaining compartments. Keep your drain plug out until you get home.
- DRY: Let boat dry for a week or more before visiting another lake. Leave all compartments open and gear out to air-dry. If you aren’t able to dry it this long, then wash everything thoroughly.
- It is illegal to transport invasive species or to leave a public water body without draining all water and removing all harmful plants and animals from your boat and trailer.
- If you see zebra mussels attached to a boat, call TPWD at 1-800-792-4263.
- For more information, visit the Texas Invasives website.