Stop the Spread of Nuisance Species
In Vermont, it is illegal to transport zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha), quagga mussels (Dreissena bugensis), all or part of an aquatic plant, or any other specified aquatic nuisance species on the outside of a vehicle, boat, PWC, trailer, or other equipment. A law enforcement officer is not required to identify the specific aquatic nuisance species before citing you for violating the law.
To prevent spreading aquatic nuisance species:
- Inspect your vessel and trailer, and remove any plants and animals you see before leaving the area.
- Drain your motor, live well, and bilge on land before leaving the area.
- Empty your bait bucket on land. Never release live bait into a body of water or release aquatic animals from one body of water into another.
- Rinse your vessel, propeller, trailer, and equipment.
- Air-dry your vessel and equipment for as long as possible.