Lateral Buoys: Starboard Hand and Port Hand
These lateral buoys use a combination of colours and numbers to mark the edge of the channel. Numbers will increase consecutively as you travel in the upstream direction.
Starboard Hand Buoys: Starboard hand buoys are solid red with even numbers. They can be a pillar with a flashing red light, a conical shape, or a spar with a conical shape on top. These mark the edge of the channel on your starboard (right) side as you enter from the open sea or head upstream. Keep them on your starboard side when travelling upstream.

Port Hand Buoys: Port hand buoys are solid green with odd numbers. They can be a pillar with a flashing green light, a can shape, or a spar with a flat top. These mark the edge of the channel on your port (left) side as you enter from the open sea or head upstream. Keep them on your port side when travelling upstream.